Wired: Anxiety Strikes at Harvard Law School

Freud was of the opinion that in fear a person is responding to a specific and immediate threat to physical safety while in anxiety a person is responding to a threat that is objectless, directionless, and located somewhere far off in the future—ruination, for example, or humiliation, or decay. Daniel Smith, Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety

I spoke at Harvard Law about the challenges of living with depression and the epidemic of poor mental health in the legal profession. It was a memorable event.

Days before I am scheduled to talk, my sleep goes cuckoo. I become incredibly anxious about my speech. What if I fall flat on my face? I graduated from some third-tier law school, after all. I don’t belong lecturing at Harvard.  My churning nighttime ruminations now seep into my days as the event gets closer.

Woman Captures the Exhausting Reality of Living with Anxiety in 2 Photos

The Huffington Post reports, “For those who don’t struggle with mental health issues, it can be hard to fully comprehend what a panic attack feels like. One woman’s powerful Facebook post gets brutally honest about the reality. Last week, British merchandiser Amber Smith posted two photos and an accompanying caption on Facebook about living with anxiety and depression.” Read the News

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