From The New York Times, a brilliant Op-Ed piece by a Wall Street lawyer who is chucking it all. Read the Story
Why I am Leaving Goldman Sachs
Career Center: Is It Time To Go? Four Signs You Aren’t Where You Should Be
Should you stay or should you go? Here are four signs to look for. Read the Story
Harvard to Happy: Monica Parker’s Experiene with Lifestyle Design
Good piece about Harvard Law Grad Monica Parker, author of the book, The Unhappy Lawer. Read the interview
America’s 10 Most Sleep-Deprived Jobs
The New York Times reports that lawyers, no big surprise here, made the top 10 list as one of the most sleep deprived professions in the U.S. Read the Story
A Helpful Documentary on Lawyers with Depression
John Folk-Williams, the creator of the great website on depression, Storied Mind, writes about the film A Terrible Melancholy: Depression in the Legal Profession. Read the Story
Can Workalcoholics Avoid Burnout?
As reported in the ABA Journal, it may be a question of whether you are “pulled” or “pushed” to work. Read the Story
To Find Work You Love, Ask Yourself These Four Questions
From Psychology Today, lawyer and author Susan Cain writes about how introverts spend so much of their lives conforming to extroverted norms and the 4 questions they should ask themselves to find work that they love. Read the Story.
Life on the Edge
News about the explosion of depression and anxiety in Austrailian lawyers and what top tier law firms are doing about it. Read the Story.
Minimizing Stress in Your Everyday Life
While stress management may sound like the impossible dream, many lawyers are able to find a balance between their careers and personal lives. Read the Story.
Work-Life Balance – Walking the Talk?
Is it possible to have a good work-life balance when lawyers work long hours? Read the Story.
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