From The New York Times, a brave and inspiring article written by two high school girls who decided to devote an edition of their school’s newpaper to stories about classmates who struggle with depression. Read the News
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I would prefer that you allowed other lawyers to speak about their experiences with depression so we could relate to each other. Everyone is different. Some have had “depressive episodes”, others have had a lifetime of depression. Some have been able to practice law in between depressive episodes, some have given up practicing and found another way in life, some cannot practice because of medication side effects, others practice when they feel OK and take long vacations when they are depressed. For some depression will last a lifetime and they must learn to live with it and accommodate it just as if they had a physical disability. Everyone is different and there needs to be a forum for lawyers to talk to each other as most bars are not very understanding of mental disabilities as yours may be. This may be the only place a depressed suicidal lawyer feels comfortable laying down their load so to speak.
Thanks so much for these great insights. I completely agree that there are a range of experiences with those lawyers who struggle with derpession. I’ve met many of them, as you have. I would love other lawyers to submit guest blogs about their varied experiences. Some prior blogs have been written – and are on this site – of other lawyers, law students and those who care about them. I welcome you, Clarisa, to write a guest blog about your experiences. If you’d be willing to do so, just write and let me know. Warmly, Dan