I listened to a National Public Radio segment about the connection between playing NFL football and brain trauma.
One retired running back said that each time he was hit when carrying the ball it was “like being in a high-impact car accident”. What a tremendous cost to pay, I thought.
For many of us, daily life is so demanding and stressful that it’s like being in a series of high-impact “stress collisions”. The word “stress” doesn’t even seem to do justice the corrosive experience of so much stress. “Trauma” is more like it.
This trauma isn’t the type inflicted by bone-jarring hits during a football game — it’s psychological, though no less real.
Psychiatrist Mark Epstein, M.D., author of the book The Everyday Trauma of Life, writes in a recent New York Times article,
“Trauma is not just the result of major disasters. It does not happen to only some people. An undercurrent of trauma runs through ordinary life, shot through as it is with the poignancy of impermanence. I like to say that if we are not suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, we are suffering from pre-traumatic stress disorder. There is no way to be alive without being conscious of the potential for disaster. One way or another, death (and its cousins: old age, illness, accidents, separation, and loss) hangs over all of us. Nobody is immune. Our world is unstable and unpredictable, and operates, to a great degree and despite incredible scientific advancement, outside our ability to control it.”
Such trauma not only impacts our psychological/emotional and spiritual selves but our physical brains.
In a brilliant article in The Wall Street Journal entitled, “Stress Starts Up The Machinery of Major Depression”, Robert Sapolsky, Ph.D., points out that there are many factors that increase our risk of major depression including genes, childhood trauma, and endocrine and immunological abnormalities.
But a frequent trigger is stress.
Sapolsky writes, “The stress angle concerns ‘adhedonia,’ psychiatric jargon for ‘the inability to feel pleasure.’ Anhedonia is at the core of the classic definition of major depression as ‘malignant sadness’”.
As a person who has a genetic history of depression in his family and childhood trauma, I was drawn into Sapolsky’s article. What was the connection between stress and the malignant sadness I’ve experienced off and on since being diagnosed with depression twelve years ago?
Who would have thought that rat brain research would help me understand the link?
Sapolsky gives us a little background about our brain structure by letting us know that our abilities to anticipate, pursue and feel pleasure revolve around a neurotransmitter called dopamine in a region of the brain called the nucleus accumbens. Then he turns to the rats for further illumination:
“Put a novel object – say, a ball – in a mouse’s cage. When the mouse encounters the ball and explores it, the arousing mystery, puzzle, and challenge cause the release of a molecule in the nucleus accumbens called CRF, which boosts dopamine release. If an unexpected novel object was a cat, that mouse’s brain would work very differently. But getting the optimal amount of challenge, what we’d call ‘stimulation,’ feels good.”
We humans need just enough challenge and stress to make life interesting.
“CRF mediates this reaction: Block the molecule’s actions with a drug, and you eliminate the dopamine surge and the exploration,” writes Sapolsky. “But exposing a mouse to major, sustained stress for a few days changes everything. CRF no longer enhances dopamine release, and the mouse avoids the novel object. Moreover, the CRF is now aversive: Spritz it into the nucleus accumbens, and the mouse now avoids the place in the cage where that happened. The researchers showed that this is due to the effects of stress hormones called glucocorticoids. A switch has been flipped; stimuli that would normally evoke motivated exploration and a sense of reward now evoke the opposite. Strikingly, those few days of stress caused that anhedonic state to last in those mice for at least three months.”
Sapolsky concludes:
“But meanwhile, these findings have an important implication. Life throws lousy things at us; at times, we all get depressed, with a small letter “d.” And most people—as the clichés say—get back in the saddle; prove that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. What then to make of people who are incapacitated by major depression in the clinical sense? Unfortunately, for many, an easy explanation is that the illness is a problem of insufficient gumption: ‘Come on, pull yourself together.’ There is a vague moral taint.”
The trauma of everyday stress is an important player in major depression. When combined with genetic history and a difficult childhood, it can tip the applecart and result in what Andrew Solomon calls “The Noonday Demon”. The takeaway is that the better we get at managing the “trauma of everyday life”, the better chance we have at preventing depression.
My worry is that the society we’ve created and the hectic lives we lead make the management of stress very difficult, indeed.
Further Reading:
“Why Stress Turns Into Depression”
“Why Stress Triggers Depression in Some People, Resilience in Others”
By Daniel T. Lukasik, Esq.
Thanks for sharing… it’s true, constant stress can really get out of hand and grow into mental illness. Important for those who are getting burnt out to look into appropriate outlets for stress management.
Hello, Insightful post indeed!
Yes I agree with your view, After feeling fearful for long time, you may start lose meaning in life, feel hopelessness, not wanting to continue, and feel low mood.
Great Article !
Its a True
Work-related stress has also been linked to an increased risk of substance abuse. drinking,Smoking & drugs are common coping mechanisms among workers who are under constant pressure.
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Nice post.
This is a great post it’s crazy how much stress can do to you. When I feel stressed out I usually just listen to this audio book. Calms me down a little you know.
YES for “the society we’ve created and the hectic lives we lead make the management of stress very difficult.” Modern humans lost the ability to be in touch with themselves as mere humans. Somehow, we think we are super-humans that can never “break” while working too hard, facing too many challenges on very little sleep, not much exercise and an unhealthy diet. Although good sleep, exercise and diet won’t prevent major depression, honouring our body’s basic principles to function well can be a good start in avoiding it. Much love!
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