Spreading the News About the Blog

I need your help.  The American Bar Association is asking people to vote for their favorite blogs by October 1, 2010.  They will then publish the results in a “Top 100” edition of the magazine.  I want to continue to educate law students, lawyers and judges.  What can you do to be part of that effort?

You can go to this ABA web link and vote for my blog.   You will need to cut and paste the URL of my blog to fill out the vote and here it is: http://lawyerswithdepression.wordpress.com.  My hope is that those reading the ABA results will find help, comfort and support both on my blog and my website.  I have heard from hundreds of people from around the country and worldwide.  If you have found that blog helpful, please help to support it.  If you know someone else that can help with the vote, please forward it onto them.

I am hard at work on another blog and should have it posted in the next for days.

Thanks, Dan

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1 thought on “Spreading the News About the Blog

  1. Dan – You might consider adding your blog URL to the above message, so that the votes are tallied correctly. Also, might advise the ECBA to do the same. Dave

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