Lawyer Megan Zavieh writes, “My purpose is to encourage attorneys to stop buying into the “Superman complex” — the idea that nothing is going to hurt you — and consider the ramifications of not taking care of yourself.” Read her Blog
Cautionary Takes of Personal Burnout
Build a Stress Safety Net Into Your Practice
Your work as a lawyer is not your life, so don’t override what matters most – your health, your time with friends and family, your sanity. Here’s some great tips to keep things level. Read the Blog
Is Your Professional Life Fulfilling?
Can the lack of a fulfilling life in the law be a sign of depression? Depression increases the risk for malpractice claims or disciplinary complaints. Read the News
Knockout Burnout!
From the blog Attorney At Work, a piece about what to do when your burned to a crisp. Read the Blog
Five Ways to Have a Much Better Day
From the website Attorney At Work, a list (and I love lists!) of five simple things a lawyer can do to have a better day. Read the Blog
Take Five For You
From the site Attorney At Work, try to incorporate some of these practical tips into your daily routine to reduce stress and add quality of life into your busy life. Read the Blog
Delicate Conversations: Is It Depression
From the site Attorney At Work, an important piece about the do’s and don’ts of helping a depressed lawyer at work. Read the Blog
Knockout Burnout
From the great website Attorney at Work comes a piece all too common for those in the legal profession: burnout. Read the Story
Is It the Winter Blues or Something More?
From the Attorney At Work blog, this piece explores the difference between just being sick and tired by winter and true depression where your low mood stays with you no matter the temperature or amount of sunlight. Read The Blog
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