From The Anxious Lawyer website, “Unfortunately, for all too many people, and particularly for all too many lawyers, the holiday season is a time filled with sadness, self-reflection, loneliness and anxiety. It is a season that comes with a “holiday depression” of its own which can affect anyone, whether it be due to time pressures, family issues, financial worries, memories of past holidays or just loneliness.” Read the Blog
Holiday Survival Guide for Lawyers with Depression
Why I’m Speaking Up About Lawyers and Depression
From The Mighty, “Lawyers aren’t supposed to have problems; we’re supposed to fix them. Most male lawyers I know would rather drop dead than admit they have problem with depression. I guess the exception to this observation is when the wheels have fallen off. Then, and only then, do they recognize (hopefully) they are experiencing depression.” Read the Blog
Something Upbeat and Constructive
From former BigLaw associate and current therapist Will Meyerhofer, a great piece about practicing lawyers. Read the Blog
‘Ridiculous Fun’ Helps Blogger See Through Depression
National Public Radio reports that dealing with depression has never been easy for author Jenny Lawson, but as she explains in her new book, Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things, it helps to have a sharp sense of the absurd. Humor helps her see through the dark. Read the News
Ketamine and Depression: Too Much, Too Soon?
Any new drug that might work faster and have fewer side effects is jumped on by researchers and clinicians alike. The latest drug, heralded by some as a new wonder drug for depression, is ketamine. But should we roll out it out as a fix for depression? Read the News
How Generosity Makes You a Happier Person
Helping others has a powerful effect on mood and can help us feel better. Read the Blog
How Vulnerable Are You to Relapse
Blogger Carol Richard writes in Esperanza magazine writes about depression relapse: “As solid as mine or anyone’s recovery may be, it doesn’t stop the illness from trying to get out & start taking over our lives again. It’s the nature of chronic health issues – why we can only MANAGE our health, not CONTROL it. Great ideas here. Read the Blog
Lawyers, Don’t Let Perfectionism Ruin Your Health
Duke University Law grad, Jennifer Alvey explores why lawyers have such poor mental and physical health: “Part of the answer lies in lawyers’ predisposition toward perfectionism. I often encounter lawyers who can only envision doing something if they can be all in. Doing something less-than-perfectly is seen as failure. When it comes to exercise and diet, this kind of thinking can set anyone up for failure because they will try to make big, grand changes at once, be unable to sustain them, and quickly quit in disgust.” Read the rest of her Blog
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Opens Up About His Depression
US Weekly Magazine reports: “He seems like the one of the most confident, upbeat people in Hollywood, but action hero Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is opening up about his struggle with depression on Oprah’s Master Class.” Read the News
Depressed? Look for Help From a Human, Not a Computer
National Public Radio reports, “Online programs to fight depression are already commercially available, and while they sound efficient and cost-saving, a study out of the U.K. reports that they’re not effective, primarily because depressed patients aren’t likely to engage with them or stick with them.” Read the rest of the News
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