The Above the Law website reports: “Once law students graduate, these problems do not improve, but seem to only get worse. According to a study conducted by the American Bar Association and the Hazelden Betty Ford Clinic found, one in three lawyers say they have a drinking problem, and 28 percent of them suffer from depression. Among those who reported problem drinking, 27 percent say their problems started in law school. Read the News
The Struggle: Law Students Suffer From High Rates of Depression and Binge Drinking
Lawyers, Drinking, Depression: A Problem That Isn’t Going Away
A landmark study by the American Bar Association and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation depicts a profession troubled by problem drinking, depression, anxiety—and abiding fears about seeking help. In a pair of interviews, Joan Bibelhausen of LCL and study co-author Linda Albert discuss the findings and what the profession can do to address them. Read the News
The Dreaded ‘D’ Words: Depression, Drugs, Drinking, Divorce, Disbarment
The stress of the law puts many lawyers at risk for all sorts of emotional afflictions. Read the Blog