From Esperanza magazine, blogger Margaret Lanning writes, “Lack of motivation is probably the most difficult part of depression I continue to wrestle with. Trying to figure out how to get up and get moving is extremely challenging. It can make or break a day. When I feel apathetic, my senseless thought cycle starts with the notion that I need to choose to do something (clean the kitchen). Then comes immediate resistance (I don’t want to clean the kitchen), then the guilt trip (good mothers clean kitchens so the family can be healthy), then the compromise (I can have a bite of chocolate if I clean the kitchen), then the shut-down (but I still don’t want to clean, and I’ll probably eat the whole chocolate bar), then the self-punishment (I am a bad person because I’m still sitting here).” Read the blog.
Finding Motivation Even Through the Apathy of Depression
Shame: The Other Emotion in Depression and Anxiety
Psychologists have identified anywhere between 6 and 10 basic emotions experienced by humans. It will come as a surprise to no one that the primary emotion in depression is sadness and in anxiety fear. In all those case, feelings of sadness and fear combine to form a stew of toxic emotions. Read the rest of this blog.
Depression: What Breed is Your Black Dog?
Elizabeth Forbes writes, “There’s no such thing as ‘depression,’ called by sufferer Winston Churchill, ‘the black dog”. Instead, experts say, we should get in the habit of talking about ‘depressions’ just as we talk about infections or cancers.” Read her Blog
Glennon Doyle Melton: Mom Power!
A great piece from Esperanza Magazine about how Glennon Doyle Melton speaks to and for moms about parenting with depression and anxiety. Read the Blog
How Vulnerable Are You to Relapse
Blogger Carol Richard writes in Esperanza magazine writes about depression relapse: “As solid as mine or anyone’s recovery may be, it doesn’t stop the illness from trying to get out & start taking over our lives again. It’s the nature of chronic health issues – why we can only MANAGE our health, not CONTROL it. Great ideas here. Read the Blog
How to Socialize When You Don’t FEEL Like Socializing
Blogger Carol Richard writes, “Have you ever had those times when the last thing you wanted to do is interact with another person [when depressed]? Since isolation can become fuel to the depression – I take steps to not let it take hold of my life.” Read the Blog
Seeds of Hope
Reverand, Susan Gregg-Schroeder writes, “I now know that depression affects all aspects of life, including our spiritual well-being. It strikes at our very soul, making us feel cut off from ourselves, from others, and from our understanding of God.” Read the Blog
Activities That Work to Our Strengths May Help Reduce Depression and Anxiety
Owen Ashton blogs that rather try to eliminate our weaknesses, we should focus in on our strengths to weaken depression and anxiety. Read the Blog
Dysthymia: Break Through the Fog
When life feels gray and muffled day after day, it’s time to get help for dysthymia – a long-lasting, low-grade form of depression – and brighten your world. Read the Blog
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