Insightful blog that reminds us the negative thinking and sense of guilt are not accurate reflections of ourselves but are instead the product of our depression. As such we need to remember to challenge those thoughts and feelings, and to take the positive step of seeking support when we need to. Read more here.
‘Listen to Your Body’: 5 Things You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About if You Have Depression
Shame: The Other Emotion in Depression and Anxiety
Psychologists have identified anywhere between 6 and 10 basic emotions experienced by humans. It will come as a surprise to no one that the primary emotion in depression is sadness and in anxiety fear. In all those case, feelings of sadness and fear combine to form a stew of toxic emotions. Read the rest of this blog.
Feeling Guilty Versus Angry: Who Can Tell The Difference?
Depressed people are less able to discriminate between different types of negative emotions compared to healthy individuals. Read the Story
Dealing with Depression-Related Stigma
From Margarita Tartakovsky, a blog about how depressives shame and blame themselves into a self-stigma. Read the Blog
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