A lawyer writes about her experiences as a law clerk and lawyer at a BigLaw firm: “In law school, my anxiety level slowly ramped up after my first year. I was at a second-tier law school, and I knew grades were absolutely critical. I thought everything would get better when I landed a BigLaw gig. The BigLaw firm, though, was a haven of high-functioning (and not so high-functioning) alcoholics.” Read the rest of the Blog.
The Struggle: When Your BigLaw Firm Forces You Out Because of Your Depression and Alcoholism
How to Avoid a (Less Than) Spectacular Burnout in Your Law Practice
What is one of the most common desires most people have for their career? Even above making the big bucks, it’s having a rewarding job that they enjoy and finding their work meaningful and significant. And what is certain to block the achievement of this goal? The dreaded burnout. Read the Blog
From the Career Files: Finding YOur Passion in the Law
Passion is a matter of perspective in, out and above the law. This blog focuses on lawyers who have found their passion IN the law. Read the Blog
Getting to Work When Depressed
Simply getting to work when you’re depressed can feel like an impossible task. Read the Blog
The Fourth Step in Leaving Behind the Law – Facing Your Fears
Decided you’d like to leave the law, but not sure where to start? Read the Blog
The Relavance of Storytelling to Leaving the Law
From the lawyer blogger Liz Brown, a piece about how we need good role models to show us how to use our legal talents in non-traditional law careers. Read the Blog
Magical Thinking and Your Legal Career
Plenty of lawyer get intermittent rewards at their jobs, and magical thinking keeps them in a wildly dysfunctional environment of the law. Find out why. Read this Blog
In Defense of Going to Law School
From Above the Law, David Lat’s insightful blog about why it is still a good idea to go to law school despite the cost and poor economy. Read the Blog
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