Apps focus on protecting or improving mental health using methods including meditation, hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and providing a valuable support network. Medical News Today have put together a list of the top 10 apps that can help to enhance your well-being and look after your mental health. Read about them here.
The Top 10 Mental Health Apps
Yoga Can Help Treat Depression, Studies Show
Major Depression Linked to Disruption of Brain’s Emotional Networks
Different regions of our brain need to work simultaneously in order for us to process emotion. But according to new research, such regions are disconnected among individuals who experience multiple episodes of major depression. Read the News
Ketamine and Depression: Too Much, Too Soon?
Any new drug that might work faster and have fewer side effects is jumped on by researchers and clinicians alike. The latest drug, heralded by some as a new wonder drug for depression, is ketamine. But should we roll out it out as a fix for depression? Read the News
Low Serotonin is Mythical Cause of Depression
From Medical News Today, a new study calls in question the link between low serotonin levels and depression. Read the News
Stress Reduces When Shared
A new study suggests sharing your feelings of stress with someone having a similar emotional reaction to the same situation reduces levels of stress more than sharing them with someone who is not. Read the News
Make Negative, Unwanted Thoughts Disappear By Throwing Them Away
If you want to get rid of unwanted, negative thoughts, try just ripping them up and tossing them in the trash. Read the Story
What are Antidepressants?
Even though over 30 million people in the U.S. are using antidepressants, many of us don”t know much about them. Get educated here in this piece. Read the Story
Risk for Depression and Chronic Inflammation Increased by Childhood Adversity
From Medical News Today, a great piece about the powerful connection between a difficult childhood, depression and inflammation in the body. Read the Story
Migraine Increases Risk of Depression in Women
Research released this month shows that women who have a tendency for migranes or have had them in the past, have a greater risk for developing depression. Read the Story.
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