A new survey finds that people suffering from depression appear to experience time differently than healthy individuals. Read the News
Depression Influences Perception of Time
Rejection Seems to Hurt Depressed People Longer
Social rejection seems to pain depressed people more than others. Read the News
Study Finds Smokers More Prone to Anxiety, Depression
A major study concludes that smokers have much higher rates of anxiety and depression than non-smokers. Read the News
Brain Imaging Can Predict How Well Psychotherapy May Work for Depression
New research shows that brain scans can predict which patient with clinical depression are not likely to benefit from a specific kind of talk therapy. Read the News
Why Antidepressants May Worsen Before Setting In
Emerging research helps explain the delayed, even paradoxical effect of certain antidepressants. Read the News
Prolonged Sitting At Work Impacts Anxiety, Depression
Employees who sit for long periods of time are at greater risk for psychological distress, according to a new study. Read the News
Early Bed Time Helps To Reduce Negative Thoughts
New research suggest that night-owls may have trouble reducing negative thoughts, a trait that may lead to downstream mental health issues. Read the News
I Hate My Job: The Power Of Negative Self-Talk
Therapist, Cherilynn Veland writes, “Are you hating your job right now? Perhaps you are doing or thinking in ways that are sure to make you feel less worthy, stress you out, and take away your ability to enjoy the fruits of your labor.” Read the Blog
Managing Anger
Anger is a normal emotion, but when it takes control over you it can have serious consequences in your relationships and health. Check out these insightful anger management tools where you can gain control over your anger. Read the Blog
Depression Best Managed by Staying on Job
A new study has found that going to work when depressed has more therapeutic value than staying home and taking sick leave. Read the News
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