Interesting article that looks into the nature of sleep as well as the nature of depression, and their relationship. Treatment rests on the hypothesis that sleep deprivation has the opposite effect on people suffering from mental illness than it does on those who are healthy. Read more here.
Staying Awake: The Surprisingly Effective Way to Treat Depression
New Clues About Why Sleep Loss is Linked to Depression, Anxiety
A new study conducted by authors from Binghamton University looked into the connection between Repetitive Negative Thinking (RNT) and a lack of sleep. Their findings show a correlation between sleep deprivation and an “inability to suppress negative stimuli.” Read more here.
Sleep Deprivation Can Rapidly Reduce the Symptoms of Depression
It may sound counter-intuitive, but for decades it has been known that sleep deprivation can rapidly alleviate symptoms of depression. A new meta-analysis from a team at the University of Pennsylvania has examined more than 30 years worth of studies on the strange phenomenon and concluded that sleep deprivation can result in antidepressant effects in up to 50 percent of people. Read the article here.
America’s 10 Most Sleep-Deprived Jobs
The New York Times reports that lawyers, no big surprise here, made the top 10 list as one of the most sleep deprived professions in the U.S. Read the Story
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