This article details the symptoms as well as the remedies of a disorder that seasonally affects somewhere between 10-20% of Americans. Read it here.
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder, What are the Symptoms and is SAD Different from Depression?
Magnetic Treatment Takes on Depression
This article in the Columbian Health Reporter details Todd Walker’s, a middle aged man suffering from major depressive disorder, experience with FDA-approved transcranial magnetic stimulation. Read the article here.
Yoga Could Complement Traditional Treatment for Depression
Recent studies suggest that yoga can be a useful tool to consider alongside traditional forms of treatment for depression, such as medication or psychotherapy. Read the Harvard Health Blog Here.
Tell Us About the Little Things You Do To Curb Your Depression
This short BuzzFeed blog is followed by personal suggestions and strategies for coping with depression from people who have suffered themselves. Read them here.
Will Psychedelics for Depression be Just Another False Dawn?
Given existing antidepressants don’t work for many people, the excitement surrounding the development of a new class of treatments from recreational drugs such as magic mushrooms is understandable. But there are strong reasons to doubt they will have the kind of impact hoped for. Instead, this article in New Science illustrates that we are more likely to be seeing the latest episode in a long-running saga of repeated disappointment. Read the full article here.
7 Unusual Treatment Options to Battle Depression
There are a number of ways to treat depression, some tried and true – psychotherapy, antidepressants and exercise – and some, depending on whom you ask, ranging from the sublime to the (seemingly) ridiculous. US News & World Report details seven unusual treatment options that you may have heard about, with a short discussion on their merits – or lack thereof. Read about them here.
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