Clinical studies show that regular aerobic exercise is effective as antidepressants in reducing mild to moderate depression. In fact, exercise causes the same structural changes to the brain as antidepressants do and is a treatment option that is not recommended enough and is underutilized in the United States. Read more here.
Running From The Pain
Is Your Birth Control Making You Depressed?
Recently, there has been some new research, and therefore, news coverage, of the idea that birth control can increase your risk of depression. And so women who have spent some time Googling before an appointment come prepared. What about depression? What about emotional health? Read the rest of the Story.
Should Mental Health Questions Remain on Bar Applications
A resolution that would remove several questions about mental health on bar applications was proposed and discussed last month by the ABA’s House of Delegates. Read the News
The Worst Part Of The Bar Exam: It’s Time To Drop Mental Health Questions
Slate reports that most state bar examiners still ask bar applicants about their mental health histories. It would be illegal for an employer to do so, but the state can do it. And it does. Read the News
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