Daniel Lukasik, a longtime proponent of mental well being within the legal and greater Buffalo communities, national voice as part of the work being done to combat stigma in the United States, and creator of this website, lawyerswithdepression.com, has been named new director of workplace well-being for the Mental Health Association of Erie County. Read more here.
Breaking Mental Health Stigma With Workplace Programs
American Workers Are Already Lonely. Here Come the Robots.
According to researchers who study the issue, the economic damage caused when employees suffer feelings of isolation could soon worsen as offices become increasingly automated and more people work remotely. Read the full article here.
Stopping Exercise Can Worsen Depression Symptoms in Just Three Days
Article serves as a friendly reminder, supported by the latest research, of how essential physical exercise can be for your mental well being. Read more here.
Getting the Inside Dope on Ketamine’s Mysterious Ability to Rapidly Relieve Depression
Ketamine has been called the biggest thing to happen to psychiatry in 50 years, due to its uniquely rapid and sustained antidepressant effects. However, although there are multiple theories, researchers do not quite know how ketamine combats depression. It is therefore hoped that new research has uncovered a mechanism that may, in part, explain ketamine’s antidepressant properties. Read about it here.
Trump Administration Weighs Mental Health Coverage Option
In response to the outcry following the Florida School Shootings, the Trump Administration is exploring expanding inpatient mental health treatment using medicaid funds. Read more here.
Trump Said Mental Illness Leads to Gun Violence. Here’s Why Doctors Disagree
Obviously part of a huge debate across the country right now, mental illness has been unfairly scapegoated as the chief reason for gun violence in America. In this article doctors point out that, while additional recognition and resources for treating mental illness are welcome, the health epidemic resulting from deaths and injuries inflicted by assault weapons is staggering and cannot be alleviated by “treating mental illness.” Read the article here.
During 2013 to 2016, 8.1 Percent of U.S. Adults Had Depression
During 2013 to 2016, 8.1 percent of American adults aged 20 years and older had depression in a given two-week period, according to a February data brief published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. Read more here.
No Longer Taboo: Americans Embrace Testing, Treatment for Mental Illnesses
Connecting Patients to the drug that best fits their genetic makeup-a discipline called pharmacogenetics-is gaining in popularity, including amongst those suffering from mental illness. Recent research suggests that 2 in 3 Americans suffering from mental illness are interested in taking a genetic test to determine their best treatment plan. Read more here.
Cornell Researchers Create Mental Health Personal Aid
An innovative approach to counteract feelings of stress, anxiety and other negative mental states, this watch-like device allows users to feel gentle vibrations on their wrist when their heart rate increases. Read about it here.
New Toronto Research Hub to Focus on Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness
New Research hub will focus on populations suffering from developmental disabilities and/or psychiatric disorders, becoming the first in Canada to do so. Experts say research conducted at the center will help doctors to stop conflating disability and mental illness, in so doing allowing for more effective diagnoses and treatment options. Read about it here.
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