Harvard Law has taken a ‘cold, hard’ look at issues affecting their student body, one of which is student mental health. The ‘grisly reality’ is that, in a survey taken last year, a quarter of the student body reported suffering from depression. Read more here.
The ‘Grisly Reality’ Behind Mental Health Issues At Harvard Law School
The Legal Market Tears Lawyers Down, But They Can Survive
The sad truth is that too many lawyers end up taking their life after being beaten down by their career. In “Another Lawyer Suicide: How the Psychology of Being a Big Firm Lawyer Can Tear You Down,” Harrison Barnes explains that lawyers can prepare themselves and beat the psychological tear down that often comes with the legal industry by avoiding the external factors that they feel the constant need to measure up to. Read it here.
Lawyers Rank Highest on ‘Loneliness Scale’, Study Finds
The Washington Post reported that Lawyers ‘outranked’ other professionals on a ‘loneliness scale’ in a survey of more than 1,600 workers, in which they are asked 20 loneliness related questions. Read more here.
ABA Passes Measure on Lawyer Substance Abuse and Mental Health
The American Bar Association’s House of Delegates has adopted a resolution urging bar associations, law schools, lawyer licensing agencies, and legal employers to step up efforts to help attorneys with mental health and substance abuse issues. Read about it here.
Lawyer Well-Being is a Focus of ABA Proposal
The American Bar Association’s House of Delegates on Monday will Consider a Proposal Urging Law Firms, Law Schools, Bar Associations and others to bolster their mental health and substance abuse problems. Read about it here.
The Depressed Lawyer: Recognizing and Helping Those in Crisis
Good article touching on symptoms of depression and how it is affecting the legal community. Also offers a wonderful reminder that even the smallest positive and/or loving gestures can make someones day. Read it here.
T14 Law Students Death Ruled Drug Overdose
Tragic overdose at University of Pennsylvania Law is part of broader trend of high levels of substance use in law school. Story is accompanied by important message encouraging law students that there are resources/opportunities for them to seek help for themselves and/or colleagues. Read it here.
Hidden Testimony: Substance Abuse Among Attorneys
Reporting on the correlation between stress, anxiety and depression and lawyer attempts to self medicate that is so prevalent in the legal profession. Read it here.
Why All Courtroom Workers Need Mental Health Support Now: Defence Lawyer
Michael Spratt, a defense lawyer from Ottawa, details many of the stressors inherent in a jury trial and lists his reasons for why all participants in a jury trial should be granted mental health support. Read it here.
Mental Health And Lawyers: Some Resources That Can Help
Good overview of the challenges presented by depression and substance abuse as they pertain to the legal community as well as the population at large. Read it here.
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