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1 thought on “John Fetterman Opens Up About His Battle With Depression

  1. Hi John!

    So nice to hear from you!!
    Topics – Mental Health, Health & wellbeing, spirituality grief, anxiety and your book if you have written one!!

    Thank you for your response and for your contribution to a healthier and more peaceful reality!

    It will be a joy to share your work, message, and wisdom with my growing audience.

    Join over 1,135 published episodes with Wonderful, Intelligent and Inspiring guests on my platform!

    My team researched you to see if you would be a good fit for the podcast & platform!!

    The interview can be Audio via Skype or Zoom video.

    Please choose the format you prefer and review the materials required by visiting one of the pages below.

    — Audio interview via Skype:

    I also host video interviews via Zoom, if you prefer. This is a different platform titled The Freedom To Feel.

    If interested, please schedule through the link above and write “video interview” on the calendar notes.

    Note: With regard to the editing/launch assistance, if it becomes an impediment to our conversation, I can add you to my list of future interviews.

    Do let me know if you have any questions.

    Looking forward to meeting you!

    In kindness,


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