Lawyer Jennifer Alvey writes, “I’d be willing to bet more than 80% of you live with a Happy Horizon in your head. The Happy Horizon is the fantasy you use to convince yourself that all your angst over your job is just a temporary blip, rather than the actual contours of your daily existence.” Read her Blog
The Happy Horizon Keeps Unhappy Lawyers Stuck
Time to Talk, Depressed Lawyers. To Yourself
Jennifer Alvey writes, “Depression for lawyers is not solely due to external influences or chemical imbalances. A notable chunk of it also stems from our self-talk. Lawyers, as I’ve written about before, tend to be a pessimistic lot. Let your worst-case scenario work filter become your life filter, and you’ve got an inner life that leads straight to a lot of hopelessness. Living the ‘always look on the dark side’ kind of life means that you won’t see possibilities.” Read her Blog
Lawyers, Don’t Let Perfectionism Ruin Your Health
Duke University Law grad, Jennifer Alvey explores why lawyers have such poor mental and physical health: “Part of the answer lies in lawyers’ predisposition toward perfectionism. I often encounter lawyers who can only envision doing something if they can be all in. Doing something less-than-perfectly is seen as failure. When it comes to exercise and diet, this kind of thinking can set anyone up for failure because they will try to make big, grand changes at once, be unable to sustain them, and quickly quit in disgust.” Read the rest of her Blog
Simple Tips for a Less Stressful Lawyer Life
Great ideas from lawyer coach Jennifer Alvey about important things you can do to cut down on chronic stress. Read the Blog
Lawyer’s Lament: But I Don’t Have a Calling
A powerful blog from Jennifer Alvey about how lawyers fail to leave the profession because they can’t define exactly what it is they would like to do. Read the Blog
50 Days of Joy – Yes, Even for Lawyers
Jennifer Alvey writes, “Lawyers, for lots of reasons, tend to overlook, dismiss, or minimize the little joys in life.” Read her Blog
9 Career and Life Lies Attorneys Tell Themselves
“Unhappy attorneys keep themselves stuck in a myriad of ways,” writes blogger and former lawyer, Jennifer Alvey. Read the Blog
What (Unhappy) Lawyer Isn’t Anxiety-Ridden?
Lots of lawyers are full of anxiety. There are reasons why this is so. But if the anxiety doesn’t stop when the reason is over, a lawyer may well have a problem with general anxiety disorder, writes blogger Jennifer Alvey. Read the Blog
What It Takes for Miserable Lawyers to Blossom
Jennifer Alvey blogs that the hardest part of a life change for lawyers, whether it’s their career or other important areas of their life, usually is the waiting. Unfortunately, it’s also very necessary for any big change to occur. Read the Blog
Please Unhappy Lawyers, No “New Jobs This Year!” Resolutions
For some unhappy lawyers, the solution to their misery is to get a new law job. But will it make you happier just to be in different circumstances, or will it make you happier past when the novelty wears off? Read the Blog
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