Study: Poor Lawyers Less Miserable Than Rich Ones

A new study published in Georgetown Law Review finds that lawyers working in relatively low paying public-service fields, like public defense or Legal Aid, are more likely to report being happy (and drink less alcohol) than their partner-track counterparts at white shoe firms.  Read the News

Anxiety Management for Lawyers

From the Anxious Lawyer website, bloggers Jenna Cho and Karen Gifford write, “Frequently, when we experience anxiety, our first reaction is to ignore, dismiss, or to deny.  This reaction to our anxiety, may be temporary and make the feeling and somatic experiences go away, but long-term leads to unhappiness, depression and additional anxiety”.  Read the Blog

Is There a Health Dose of Pessimism for Lawyers?

Blogger Jayne Reardon writes, “For better or worse, negativity plays a huge role in the legal profession.  With mental health and substance abuse issues skyrocketing in both the profession and law schools,” this blog examines when a healthy dose of cynacism is healthy and when it becomes a problem.  Read the Blog

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