Tristan Jepson was a young lawyer in Australia. He suffered from depression and in 2006, committed suicide. An award was just given to his parents who set up a foundation to study lawyer depression. You can find the result here. Read the Story
A Legal Crusader – The LitSupport Advocate Award
Why Americans Need to Work Less (Lawyers, You Too)
From the site Above the Law, why lawyers need to be reminded that it’s just not healthy to work too much. Read the Story
Judicial Balance: Lessons for Law and Life
This is a wonderful, quarterly web publication for judges concerned with their mental and physical health. Check it Out
Anxiety Can Bring Out the Best in Us
From The Wall Street Journal, another view of anxiety. Read the Article
Practicing From the Shadows: Documentary on Lawyers & Depression
This is not new item, but I thought everyone – if they have not seen it already – should watch this documentary created by The Dallas Bar Association. Scroll down the page and click to watch the entire film. Watch the Film Now
Manic Nation: Dr. Peter Whybrow: We’re Addicted to Stress
“The Computer is Electronic Cocaine for many people,” says UCLA’s Peter Whybrow. Find out why lawyers’ brains are wired for finding immediate rewards. Read the Story
Test Day Tips to Help You Pass the Bar
What else can law grads think about except the Bar Exam? I like this piece because I followed this kind of advice many moons ago. Read the Story
The Five Types of Law Partners
From the humorous blog The Bitter Lawyer, see if you can identify which types of partners you work with. Read the article
Gretchen Rubin: Former Supreme Court Clerk, Author of The Happiness Project
Best-selling author and Yale Law grad Gretchen Rubin dishes about why lawyers are so unhappy. Read the Story
Reframing Your Legal Career
From the blog Leaving the Law, an exploration of how to think about our law careers differently. Read the Story
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