The Fascinating Link Between Eating Full-Fat Yogurt and a Lower Risk of Depression

Women who regularly eat full-fat yogurt may be less likely to develop depression than those who eat it less often, according to a new study of nearly 15,000 people. Although the research could not prove a cause-and-effect relationship, the authors suggest that probiotics—live bacterial cultures present in fermented foods—may play a role in influencing mood. Read the rest of the Story.

Many Depressed Adults Not Getting Treatment: Study

Most American adults who suffer from depression aren’t getting treatment, a new study finds. After screening survey data on more than 46,000 people, researchers found that 8 percent had depression, but only a third were being treated for the mood disorder. Read the rest of the Story.

Are Burnout and Depression the Same Thing?

A new article in the Wall Street Journal writes: “Burnout and depression are seen as two distinct health conditions in the medical world. A new study suggests they may be closer to one. Burnout is assumed to be related to job stress, but it may be a depressive syndrome that develops in response to chronic stress, researchers suggest. Read the rest of the Story.

9 Steps to Treat Your Depression Naturally

Depression blogger, Therese Borchard makes a great list of things you can do in addition to therapy and medication, such as yoga, alternative forms of medication, and eliminating foods and substances that trigger inflammation.  Read her Blog

Meriden Lawyer’s Suicide Puts Spotlight on Mental Health Awareness

The Connecticut legal community was shocked to learn that longtime Meriden attorney John Ivers Jr. took his own life last week near a local pond after having been reported missing a couple days earlier.The 50-year-old lawyer, who had practiced since 1992, left behind a family, including three children. His father, the late John Ivers, was also a longtime attorney in the state. Read the News.

Pokeman Go Reportedly Helping People’s Mental Health, Depression

We already know that exercise helps greatly with depression (along with virtually every other mental health problem), but being motivated to exercise when you’re depressed is a challenge. That’s why an engaging game like Pokémon Go can be helpful.Pokémon Go does this by encouraging people to get outside, take a walk, talk to others, and explore the world around them. Granted, it’s through their smartphone acting as an interface, but walking is walking, even if the motivation for doing so is to play a game.  Read the full article.

Behavioral Activation is Effective, Less Expensive Therapy for Depression

A new large-scale study has found that a simple and inexpensive therapy called behavioral activation may be equally as effective at treating depression as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Behavioral Activation is relatively simple, meaning it can be delivered by more junior staff with less training — making it a cost-effective option. It is estimated to be approximately 20 percent less expensive than CBT, meaning it could help ease current difficulties in accessing timely and affordable treatment. Read the full article.

Mental-health Issues Often Well Hidden

From the Toronto Star, Jowita Bydlowska writes, “Having mental-health issues is not like belonging to a secret society where there’s a sign — invisible to all except other sufferers — hovering overhead, indicating that, yes, this particular person, too, has the thing! Personally, the only time when I sometimes become aware of others’ issues is when I take a break from worrying about me. It’s not easy, lately, to do that and I have a natural tendency to self-obsess when things are bad. But this kind of obsession is only comfortable in a murderous way — it’s like a crushing, dark blanket of gloom that I could just bury myself in and that will eventually bury me. And ignore you.” Read the full article.

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