Great blog from Jeanne Crouteau covering topics from stigma to coping strategies. Really loved the last piece of advice; to paraphrase: “stay true to you-No matter what anybody says, you know the truth about your journey…(and) Whatever you do, just don’t give up!” Read more here.
When Someone Mocks Your Mental Illness
‘Listen to Your Body’: 5 Things You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About if You Have Depression
Insightful blog that reminds us the negative thinking and sense of guilt are not accurate reflections of ourselves but are instead the product of our depression. As such we need to remember to challenge those thoughts and feelings, and to take the positive step of seeking support when we need to. Read more here.
TEDx Speaker Seeks to Shine a Light on Living With Depression
Bill Bernat talks about how the chasm separating those suffering from mental illness from their loved ones can be bridged by a willingness to open up and even a sense of humor. Read more here.
Running From The Pain
Clinical studies show that regular aerobic exercise is effective as antidepressants in reducing mild to moderate depression. In fact, exercise causes the same structural changes to the brain as antidepressants do and is a treatment option that is not recommended enough and is underutilized in the United States. Read more here.
What Its Like to Have High-Functioning Depression and Why You Shouldn’t Bottle it Up
An honest look at the day-to-day travails for many who suffer from, and yet are able to hide, depression. For as is too often the case, though from the outside a life appears ‘high-functioning’, the reality of mild to moderate depression is one of exhaustion and isolation. Read more here.
The Mind Deconstructed
Great Podcast discussing issues related to mental illness conducted by Dr. Kaz, a medical professional at the University of Minnesota, with her brother George. The siblings serve as effective translators between the psychiatric and non-medical community as they discuss a broad array of topics. Listen here.
Attorney Mental Health and Wellness
Great podcast interview with Florida State Law Professor Larry Krieger expounds upon why Attorneys often struggle with depression and the wellbeing factors that may lead to satisfaction in a legal career. Listen here.
20 Shades of Sadness: Why Do We Get Depressed?
In answer to the question, ‘can we improve the success rates of treatment for depression?’ Dr. Azab answers with a ‘definite yes.’ She believes correctly and thoroughly diagnosing the interrelated yet distinct causes of depression is the key first step in doing so. Read more here.
The Most Important Missing Link for Mental Health Today
Great blog about one of the more overlooked factors contributing to poor mental health-an unhealthy diet. Like many aspects of mental illness, poor nutrition and a negative mental state reinforce each other, creating a downward spiral that affects both physical and mental well being. And like in other aspects of our lives, it can be very beneficial to be mindful of what we eat and even how we prepare our meals. Read more here.
Staying Awake: The Surprisingly Effective Way to Treat Depression
Interesting article that looks into the nature of sleep as well as the nature of depression, and their relationship. Treatment rests on the hypothesis that sleep deprivation has the opposite effect on people suffering from mental illness than it does on those who are healthy. Read more here.
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