6 Secret Signs of Hidden Depression

Psychologist John Grohol writes, “Lots of people walk through life trying to hide their depression. People with concealed depression or hidden depression often don’t want to acknowledge the severity of their depressive feelings. They believe that if they just continue living their life, the depression will just go away on its own. In a few cases, this may work. But for most folks, it just drags out the feelings of sadness and loneliness.” Read the Blog

Making Decisions When Depressed

Blogger John Folk-Williams writes, “Like so many, I experience depression in various forms, yet each in its own way knocks out the decision control center in my mind. At times, I scramble in anxiety and can’t focus enough to pick out one among many possibilities. At other times, I don’t care about choosing – or anything else for that matter – and I let the alternatives fall where they may. Or I make all kinds of decisions, even life changing ones, but none of them seems like a choice. Each one is do-or-die. If I fail to do it, I’ll go right over the edge.” Read the Blog

Depression: What Breed is Your Black Dog?

Elizabeth Forbes writes, “There’s no such thing as ‘depression,’  called by sufferer Winston Churchill, ‘the black dog”. Instead, experts say, we should get in the  habit of talking about ‘depressions’ just  as we talk about infections or cancers.” Read her Blog


Depression Defies Rationality: Sad on a Sunny Day

Kerri K. Morris writes in the Chicago Tribune, “A few months ago, I told a friend at work that I struggle with depression. She was surprised and said, ‘How can you be depressed with your job and your family? You don’t have any problems.’ I swallowed hard. But, then I stopped and realized, I’m not depressed because of these things. It’s not cause and effect. It’s depression, and depression defies rationality. It doesn’t follow the laws of physics or of logic.  Read her Blog

5 Ways to Free Yourself From Dark and Obsessive Thoughts

Depression blogger Therese Borchard writes, “Stuck thoughts. Painful ruminations. Unrelenting obsessions. They are the curse of depression — among the most excruciating symptoms, in my opinion.  More than any other symptom of my depression — more so even than unrestrained tears and bawling my eyes out in public — the stuck thoughts make me feel truly insane, scared to be living inside my body and mind.”  Check out her 5 ways to help loosen depression’s grip. Read her Blog

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